ICS constant refreshing problem


New Member
Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score

I have a RAZR MAXX with ICS. I just started encountering a strange problem: A lot of my apps -- including the stock browser, NYTimes, MLB At Bat, and Words with Friends, as well as the home screen -- have suddenly started refreshing their displays very frequently, about once per minute. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen in my first few days with ICS, but only in the past 24 hours, during which I have been out of the country. I've disabled data roaming and the mobile data access, so I'm only connected to wireless networks, and it's happened on two different networks in different countries. I've turned off auto-refresh, and it keeps happening. Needless to say, this is quite annoying. In addition to eating up my battery, it also often interrupts whatever I'm doing; for instance, on the NYTimes app, it keeps jumping back to the menu while I'm trying to read articles. Any idea what might be causing this?

Thanks very much,

Adam Levine
Same problem


I have a RAZR MAXX with ICS. I just started encountering a strange problem: A lot of my apps -- including the stock browser, NYTimes, MLB At Bat, and Words with Friends, as well as the home screen -- have suddenly started refreshing their displays very frequently, about once per minute. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen in my first few days with ICS, but only in the past 24 hours, during which I have been out of the country. I've disabled data roaming and the mobile data access, so I'm only connected to wireless networks, and it's happened on two different networks in different countries. I've turned off auto-refresh, and it keeps happening. Needless to say, this is quite annoying. In addition to eating up my battery, it also often interrupts whatever I'm doing; for instance, on the NYTimes app, it keeps jumping back to the menu while I'm trying to read articles. Any idea what might be causing this?

Thanks very much,

Adam Levine

I am currently experiencing this same problem now. I noticed it first on the Facebook app when I'd scroll down it'd refresh me back to the top. The more annoying problem,however, is that I cannot watch a video..ex) YouTube Netflix etc without it refreshing the page after 30 sec or so. This also happens when I'm in my text inbox scrolling up on a thread to see older messages and it takes me back to the bottom. I am am too currently out of the country and using wifi and using an iPad to post this reply. This problem never occurred when I was in the US. This problem occurs when I'm also on airplane modem(for my inbox problem..still out of the US) I am in Brazil.
Note: I visited brazil as well in 2011 late December to early 2012 Jan, weeks after the phone's inception wend this problem did not occur then.
I have a Droid RazR. If you had obtained any solutions please post a response or email me at [email protected]
I'd also like to know if this problem will go away when I return to the states.