If You Have Froyo or Newer Android You Can Have Pie Controls!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Pie Control is the navigation bar / notifications system that appears when you pull it up. Pie Control became popular when it first appeared in Paranoid Android. LMT launcher soon arrived in the Play Store, but was only available for devices with newer versions of Android. Until now if you have an older device you have been out of luck if you wanted to use Pie controls. Developer "EatHeat" has backported Pie Control to Android 2.2 and newer Android Versions. The Pie Control App includes some extra features. The Pie control can be called over any screen, it includes fully customizable trigger points and pie, it is light weight and fast, and controls include home, back, menu, volume up, volume down, power off, play store, search and pie settings. This app is a paid app on the play store and is a bargain at $1. If you want it for free you are in luck since the developer has made it available for free on XDA. Check out the source link below for the download link.

Pie control or Wave Launcher, what I've been saying these onscreen button loving techtards should have been demanding instead of these ugly as sin current on scream buttons.