INC root discussion...

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doug piston

Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 19, 2009
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This is thread for discussion about root. Please leave all negativity and bickering out of it. Its about openness and discussion, not about bashing and name calling. I believe this to be to big of an issue to not have a thread. so please let this one live. Im not on anyones side whether root has been achieved or not but smart, and intelligent discussion should be accepted by the community.

that said i follow the attempt to root very close so if you questions before making fun of someone please feel free to pm me and ill try to answer the best i can. i dont know everything but im willing to try to help keep this civil and alive.

edit**** bizz is correct. i misread. he has never said he himself has root. sorry for the misinformation
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there is a vid posted on AD at the moment. incase of some you who dont know and see said vid anyone can put SU.apk on their phone and install it. wont do you much good though w/o true root. so dont read into to much just yet...
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there is a vid posted on AD at the moment. incase of you who dont know and see said vid anyone can put SU.apk on their phone and install it. wont do you much good though w/o true root. so dont read into to much just yet...

cracks me up too... obviously its not worth anything since it would have been just as easy to video tape them going into something that required root access. Like you said, anyone can install the apk...

I think we should all install the apk and put up videos showing it in the list there.

Doug you probably should hard read what he said that was the video sent to him by the Guy that tested his kernels. Never did he say that he had root. And he didn't want to post the video because he couldn't prove weather it was true or not
I think what we have here is Jake's reputation being seriously tarnished (irreparably perhaps), due to him having faith in a friend. He took his/her word sight unseen, and vouched for the person who appears to be a fake thus far.

Its too bad.

Back to root possibilities (or not).

public:top_ten [RootWiki]
nothing is tarnished yet. i know others are making progress so this could all be good news. as for him i havent personally talked to him or boost but im willing to bet they are making some progress also..
Well in some eyes he has no Rep and in most of those people never seen or heard about what he does. But this has tarnished him some and how I see it now if he doesn't root this bad boy it will be tarnished for good. To bad this all came from trusting a friend. Bet he wont post anything without proof again
welp folks with the thread above about root this is useless. congrats to all worked on this to make it happen...
with threads being locked here and at AD i would recommend everyone just chill, eat some BBQ and have a couple cold ones. tonight we should have an answer. until that time please enjoy your holiday..
Sorry guys. Until further notice or proof threads on this subject are closed.
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