incredible root

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doug piston

Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 19, 2009
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ban me, boot me i dont care at the moment. there has been a inc. rooted as of this evening. it isnt easy to reproduce but there are many different things being worked on... please be patient and when its good to go you all will know

1 root, don't get excited - xda-developers

ive been following this very closley. so please no ***** fest and be polite and patient

this all thanks to the unrevoked team. the same guys that rooted the evo...
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well this is interesting.. someone was just asking me today if it could be done...
^^^^^ the f'in man
Excited to see an easier way come out to do it... but super excited to see people working hard to Root this thing!!!
Please explain to this newbie,

what is rooting,

and why should I do it when it comes.

I have searched in vain for these answers.
have not tried so let me know how it goes

Trace: » adb_in_recovery
−Table of Contents

ADB recovery hack

This hack, if executed successfully, should allow you to deploy an unsigned to a device running a current (Android 2.1+) version of recovery.
This hack is for power users only right now, and is not as simple as unrevoked is. We are working on expanding the race window.

Launching ADB in recovery

Currently, we don't know how it happens, but sometimes ADB starts while the system is booting in recovery. (We believe it to be a race condition at present.)

  • On the host, run adb shell in a loop.
    • On Linux, syntax will be something like while true; do adb shell; done
  • Repeatedly reboot your device into recovery mode (if it comes up normally, adb reboot recovery).
    • If the shell repeatedly says error: device not found when in recovery mode, press vol-up and power at the same time, then reboot and try again.
    • If the shell repeatedly says - exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -, then ADB is running in recovery mode; congratulations.

I just got ADB running in recovery mode! Now what?

  • Read through all the steps first first. It's not long, but there are some timing-sensitive parts. (Also, the steps must be performed in order!)
  • Download the following three files:
  • Press volume-up and power at the same time
    • A menu should appear.
  • Select by pressing power.
    • It should fail.
  • On the host, run adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox
  • On the host, run adb push /sdcard/
  • On the host, prepare at your command prompt but do not press enter: adb push /sdcard/
  • Select at the menu again by pressing power. Approximately half a second after it starts, press enter to run the second command!
    • If the timing was right, it should verify the legitimate update, but update with our hack, printing a message like “unrEVOked for Incredible”. Congratulations!

Post-hack tasks

Some things you may wish to do:

  • If CityID bothers you: you@host$ adb shell
    $ /system/bin/su
    # /system/bin/rm /system/app/CityID.apk All gone!
  • Once you have rebooted the system, you will probably want to install the Superuser Permissions apk.
  • If you appreciate this work and feel the urge to donate to someone, please donate to the EFF. (That link will associate your donation with our team; if there is another team you've been meaning to donate in honor of, though, we're not picky – we're happy for any donations to get to the EFF, even if they don't help send us to DEF CON!)
This is just plain old AWESOME. Once you have root the sky is the limit. Good luck folks and have fun with your new found power! dancedroid
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