Influencing HTC to fix firmware issue?

May 25, 2012
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Washington, DC metropolitan area
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo

I'd really like to use this super-cool call blocking app, PrivacyStar. Among other things, its customer support folks are responsive, and it's the only call-blocking app I know* which actually blocks calls, instead of just sending them to voicemail.

Problem is, PrivacyStar won't work on my DNA, and PrivacyStar said it's because HTC sent out a recent firmware update which doesn't play nice with PrivacyStar. They said they're working with HTC to solve this but progress has been slow.

A few weeks ago, I posted about this on HTC's several Facebook pages to encourage them to speed it up. As of now, though, I've gotten no response. Is there anything further you'd suggest I can do to give HTC a little push on this?

[*] Besides Mr. Number, whose staff literally took roughly a month and a half to respond to my email and even then didn't address most of what I asked.

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Deutsch


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Sep 5, 2010
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If HTC was to do something about it it still wouldn't push until Verizon gets their fingers on it and gets around to pushing to the device. Between the 2,I hate to say it but, you'll probably be able to upgrade phones before seeing the fix. HTC seems to abandon their devices quickly and whenever they get around to something it gets slowed down even more by Verizon before it eventually pushes out.
Sorry to be a Debbie doubter but I'm just speaking from what I've seen.

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A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post
May 25, 2012
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Washington, DC metropolitan area
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Droid Turbo
Hello myfishbear and mountainbikermark,

OK thank you very much for your help!

(I'll be glad to read anything else posted here. Unless and until someone posts something that convinces me otherwise, though, I'll assume that getting HTC to play nice with PrivacyStar is a lost cause.)

Jeff Deutsch
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Washington, DC metropolitan area
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo
Hello again myfishbear,

Thank you very much for that advice. If worse comes to worst I just might take it.

I'm looking for a solution which, ideally, includes a whitelist option and/or is free. If you know of any good call-blocking apps [NB: My definition of call blocking does not include simply sending calls to voicemail -- I can do that within Jelly Bean anyway!], please let me know.

Thanks again,

Jeff Deutsch
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Washington, DC metropolitan area
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo
Hello mountainbikermark,

Thank you very much for your response.

I'm a bit confused by your first link; that thread is about video formats and I see no post by you (and nothing about call-blocking apps) on that page.

In any event, your second link leads me to an interesting (and apparently highly regarded) app. The impression I get from the screenshot video and general description is that the authors' first language is not English and therefore it really helps to have a great deal of technical knowledge to run aFirewall. What do you think?

Jeff Deutsch


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Sep 5, 2010
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Hello mountainbikermark,

Thank you very much for your response.

I'm a bit confused by your first link; that thread is about video formats and I see no post by you (and nothing about call-blocking apps) on that page.

In any event, your second link leads me to an interesting (and apparently highly regarded) app. The impression I get from the screenshot video and general description is that the authors' first language is not English and therefore it really helps to have a great deal of technical knowledge to run aFirewall. What do you think?

Jeff Deutsch

I posted the app link in case my forum app messed up the thread link, which it did.
Open the app, tap blocked conversations, at the bottom tap add number then add the numbers you want. A simple tutorial pops up until until you tap ok. That might help. You can, if you want, add in blocked caller id, unknown number, etc in this area as well.
Back up a couple of steps and tap rules only if you want to change the time the numbers are blocked, such as if you want some permanent but some only certain times of the day. By default the blacklist is blocked 24/7/365 but that can be changed under the rules. If those rules are what you want by default you're done and can just tap home button and let it do its thing.
Settings will allow some extras such as a notification stating it's active. By default it's on,I turned mine off by uncheck the option.
It hangs up on the caller that is blocked instead of sending to your voicemail. You can enable a feature to send the blocked caller a text saying you've blocked them. It's off by default and just hangs up. If you want more options than just hang up and/or send a text to the blocked party you've got to buy the paid version. It sounds to me like the freebie will suit you but there are more options on the paid. .
I'd suggest try it out and see if that's what you want. It's not as complicated as the screen shot makes it appear.
I use it for texts and calls from a few annoying people who refused to leave me alone.
Hope that helps.

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A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Washington, DC metropolitan area
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo
Hello mountainbikermark (and anyone else who might wish to reply),

I've tried aFirewall, and it seems to work OK.

Getting it to do exactly what I want it to do is another matter.

Here's my ideal setup:

Blacklist -- Calls get blocked (not sent to voicemail), and text messages get blocked.

Whitelist -- Both calls and text messages go through, directly to my attention.

Everyone else -- Calls get sent to voicemail. Whether text messages get blocked or get through to me is OK as long as I know which it is and it's consistent.

The developer hasn't yet responded to my questions on the matter. If someone here can help me out (by letting me know either how I can do this in eFirewall, or of another call blocking app in which I can do it), that would be great.


Jeff Deutsch