Is the Devour a good lady phone?


Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
More specifically is the Devour a good wife phone who just wants a basic smart phone? Or should I just wait for the Nexus One on Verizon? The Droid is pretty much not an option for her. (Doesn't like the look)

Well the Nexus has better hardware and runs the basic Andriod 2.1. The Devour will run Motorola's MotoBlur on top of Android to make it look a little nicer. Does she has a preference for a hard keyboard vs virtual keyboard?
Ok yea she doesn't care if it has a keyboard or not. I also forgot that Eris is an option... would the Devour be any better than the Eris other than the keyboard?
Honestly I think the Droid Eris would be more appealing than the Devour, however MotoBLUR seems more "simple" looking.
hmm... Megan Fox seems to think so.

I suggest an Eris just since is a Google phone. It'll always be more updated and stable than the Devour.
Man i completely forgot that the Devour was made by Moto.. although I have a Droid, this will certainly be my last Motorola phone. So unless something new comes along, I'll probably just get her the Eris.
My wife was thinking about a Pixi till she saw the Devour. She likes that it is similar to a sidekick with sliding and keyboard, loves the motoblur for social networking, and that Megan Fox promotes it, haha.
I saw this phone two days ago and I dug it off the bat, but with the 3mp, 3.1" 320x480, media focused, i'm getting a 'DROID's little sister' feel for it. Perfect for my girl if she could get off her iphone kick. If the droid wasn't there, I'd devour motorola's new phone... and as a product of mass media and superbowl advertisement, all I imagine when I think of devour is brunette bombshell.