Is there a simple 1 click root for 2.3.15?


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
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Hey guys,
I used easy root when I had 2.1
Was so simple

Well Verizon updated me to 2.3.15 OTA.
I tried to avoid this, but it happened so friggin' quick without asking me.
All I saw was update completed

I found 2.1 to be much less laggy
Quadrant looks good on 2.3 (1400's) but it feels laggy

Easy root still says that I am rooted, yet I know I am not
Busybox says not found etc...

I tried to reinstall easy root... no dice

Is there a simple root/unroot program that works with 2.3.15 without the need to use a term emulator?

Also, I backed up everything with bootstrap when I was in 2.1
Did I read that I can NOT use this to return to 2.1 as the new OS made changes to the bootloader to make it even more difficult to hack??


Thx much Abe

"took" 2.2... LOL... was forced! I wanted to avoid this... kept looking for the request to update so I could say no...
All happened so quickly when I was in standby

2.2 totally screwed up my 1st DX (or perhaps a 3rd party app didn't like it)
Anyway I was one of those who were stuck on the "X"
I was also within my 30 days...
So I got this new one still on 2.1... well now 2.3.15

Anyway... I don't have the major issues... just seems a bit slower than 2.1

I am curious to try Apex or ZapX as they seem to run more efficiently

I have been checking out the SuperOneClick site... I notice that there is no mention of the DX... is this thing already a dinosaur just days after my 30 day return ran out?

ARGH... Storm 1 revisted???

Thx for your help :)
I'm very interested in root for this version as well. I came from a Droid 1 and I never thought that they would pursue such methods to keep it from being rooted. When asked to update the first day I had the phone. I chose to update it... :( Live and learn..
You can always use adb and copy/paste the commands. I know its not a 1 click method but at least u know what u are doing to your phone.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
DX 2.3.15 finally rooted!

SOLVED! There IS a 1 click 2.2 that worked 1st time!!!
Follow this thread

One Click Droid X Froyo ROOOOT GUI! - Droid X Rooting - AllDroid Public Board - One Click Droid X Froyo ROOOOT GUI! - Droid X Rooting - AllDroid Public Board - > Home


It rooted 2.3.15 very simply!
I had to manually copy the Busybox, SU, and superuser files to my SD
Then downloaded the busybox program and for the 1st time it asked for superuser perm!

Is there a way for someone to update the wiki with this info???
I followed that info and have significantly less hair on my head as a result LOL

I had so many issues with DOroot... returned error#6
I had debugging checked, tried PC,Charge USB modes etc...
I understand that DOroot worked for many... just not me