Is there an app that can...


New Member
Apr 26, 2010
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have your phone on silent, but then have a handful of contacts go on ring? At night I want to turn my phone on silent, but I'm afraid I'll miss an emergency call or something. I didn't know if there is an app (or just a way in general) to put my phone on silent, but then have the phone ring for certain contacts for the Droid. Thanks in advance!
Yes. I believe its Locale. Although i could be mistaken. it does a whole bunch of other useful things too, like set your phone on a certain profile depending on where your located (such as putting it on silent or vibrate when your at work or around a movie theater.) or Automatically dimming the brightness of your screen when your battery gets too low. Its extremely useful, and even if i am wrong about it solving your issue, its still worth a download.