Is there any way to restore my contacts from Titanium Backup?

I had the same issue I think...its been a while. I have no clue how to get our original back. I had everything backed up with super backup first. So I had to put in passwords and install apps. But now I just do a backup of current ROM in cwr and then do a restore after new flash. Never have any problems.

verizon galaxy s3 runnin beans rom 5.0.
If u still have backup file with titanium u can write a Linux script to convert to vcf format.

UOTE="brbal, post: 2338631, member: 219067"]i tried the method you suggested, couldnt get it to work. long story short, i messed up somehow and cant restore any of my back ups now. keep geeting a md5 "i think,"mismatch error. any suggestions? i cant get back to stock to see my contacts at all now :([/QUOTE]