Is This Type of information What you are Looking For ? POLL

I have had numerous Windows Mobile devices but this is my first Android device and quite a few things are not intuitive.

Plus the fact that the phone comes with basically no manual...

Some of us need all the help we can get for a while. Thank you very much!:)

Droid may but I don't just quite yet. ;)
We will keep trying to find the best information possible. It's time consuming, but we all have something in common. the DROID !

Thank You for your comments ~~~ they are Appreciated !!!
This information is incredible, the copy and paste issue was driving me insane. Thanks for all the hard work, and as a new android user I look forward to contributing to the community!
Jim, this is a goode forum and undoubtedly will get better over time. I'm tryign to find something on how to print from a droid - either over Bluetooth or over my WIFI network. Anything out there yet?
JIm, I had a Motorola Razor prior to my Droid. I bought an extra battery for it which got little use. Can I use that battery in my Droid?
