Issues Rooting phone using new Unrevoked hack

GOT IT.....Found out before I read your reply. HTC Sync deleted from the computer did the trick....I wish this was notated better on the Unrevoked website. Nowhere in the instructions or within the program does it say to do this.....thanks for your help!

i ran into the same problem. after alot of searching, this thread allowed me to finally root without the long manual process.
there were alot more pre-req's than implied by unrevoked though.

Not really. Uninstall HTC sync, and install hboot drivers and click go. Trust me if you had rooted the old way you would not be complaining.
i did root it the old way and it wasn't that painful if you follow the video. the only pre-req i had for the old way was to format to fat32.

once i figured everything out, this way is much easier but there weren't clear instructions put together anywhere. i had to search all over the place to finally get everything set to root.

now that i finally got 2.2 loaded, i learned that i have to update the radio first. everything works now including the camera and video (w/720p) but people are blowing up stating that i need the radio update. back to square one.