Issues with audio on Motorola Car Dock


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
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Ok, I got my car dock yesterday, but I cannot get audio to play through the 3.5 mm port of the cable when using my cassette adaptar. The phone stops playing music, like it is attempting to route the audio when I plug it in, but nothing comes through the stereo.

I can plug the adapter directly into the phone and it plays fine. Anyone else having an issue using a cassette adapter with the Droid3 dock?

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So, I took the Motoroloa Case/Hostler off the phone and set just the phone into the dock and that seems to be the problem. The case around the phone was not allowing for a good connection it seems.

So know I notice that the dock does not appear to be charging the phone. If it won't charge, really what's the use?

I also noticed when playing audio through the dock, the music is noticably degraded.

Although I like having the phone easy to see with apps for navigation and my music, I am not sure this dock is gonna cut it. Looks like I may be taking it back.

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Since my posts have been fairly negative concerning the car dock, I thought I would update. It appears the fuse in my old USB to DC adapter is blown. I was ready to take the dock back today, but instead I will replace the fuse and see how it works then.

Hopefully the audio degradation will improve with juice actually flowing through the cable.

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