Just got the Orig Droid from a buddy and needs an update.. . . .


Jan 24, 2010
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Just got an old Droid from a buddy for the wife to use and seen it has the 2.1Update-1 on it.

Question is..how can I throw 2.2 on it. . . .? I really do not care if it's rooted since it won't make any difference to her. Can I just get the update.zip for 2.2 and throw it into recovery and 'Appy from SDCard'.

I seen when I throw it into recovery that it just throws the '!'. I have to push the vol-up and camera button to get the menu. . . This is diff than my orig Droid
Not working. Getting a signature error . ..

D/led 5 diff times from a few diff sources .. . .
Peter Alfonso

Go there, scroll down to the bottom, and download the FRG01B master OTA.

After you install that, you can do FRG22D, and then FRG83D.

You have to do it in that order.
Just renamed to update and got the signature err on that as well.....
Any other ideas.....seems like anything I try to update it throws this err.....
Ok..hold on, now I'm confused. I have 2.2.1....Have you tried going into your settings, then clicking on "About Phone"...and then "System Updates"???
Yep, tried that out of the gates. . .

Firmware version: 2.1-update1
baseband: c_01.3e.03p
kernel: 2.6.29-omap1-gb5cd99
android-build@apa26 #1
build#: voles-userdebug 2.1-update1 ese53 25914

All the info I have from this. . . . . .
What recovery image do you have on this phone?

This came from my brain by way of my finger and my phone. Don't ask where any of them have been. Especially the brain.
You don't have to download the previous updates to get the latest 2.2. I wonder if you're not doing something incorrectly when you update.

You should be downloading the file. Latest version is FRG86D (I think). You should download that to your desktop then if necessary, rename the file to Updae.zip. If it's anything else, it won't work.

You then mount your Droid to your computer and place the file on the SD card. Make sure there are no other update.zip files on the SD card. Then you're going to shut down and reboot the Droid holding the X key. Once the screen comes up with the yellow exclamation point and triangle you are going to press and hold the camera button and volume up button. This will bring up the recovery menu. Then you're going to select install update.zip. It should update with no problem.

The only thing that may be preventing it is if your friend was rooted and SPRecovery or Clockwork will block the update. You can tell that if you see the Super User Icon, usually a Ninja.

If you know all of this already, then you're all set. It's worth it just to make sure you have the proper information.
The 83D file currently being pushed might not update 2.1, but Hook has a point about trying to install it. Just tell us what recovery image is on the phone and we can tell you what file and how to get it to install.
Sure...how can I tell what image....? I know it's not rooted b/c I do not have super user in my apps nor can I install Rom Manager.

I tried installing (update.zip) the 2.2 that was initially released and posted her to manually update a few days earlier. Didn't work. D/led it few diff times and from diff sites, didn't work.

What I'm doing is booting in recovery, vol-up+camera, then update.zip from SD. And yup, the file is named correctly.

I honestly do not know why I'm having so many issues w/ this phone. The Droid I have is rooted . . .

To throw some more info..when i reboot in recovery, it shows: Andorid system recover (2e). Also to note, has the yellow err at bottom saying "e:can't open /cache/recovery/command"

Have you done a factory data reset, just to make sure everything is cleaned up? Also I don't know if you said you checked for another update.zip already on the SD card.
Yup, did a factory from Recovery mode and wiped out the memory cards. So weird. . . .