Kit Kat yet for LG G2?

If he has noticed a significant difference in battery in 2 hours, something is either really wrong, or really wrong.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

Which would be really nice to know. Also with the amount of traffic on here, it sometimes takes awhile for anything new to appear, so may as well pose the question now and it can be answered at his leisure. Thanks for adding to the conversation.

there is no spoon
My LG G2 now has it...

I wasn't getting it OTA, but I connected my phone to my computer. It installed the Software Upgrade Assistant, and indeed found 4.4.2.

Screenshots from the computer and the phone:

Im gonna do this right after class and see if it works for me.
Noticed any problems, esp with battery life?

there is no spoon

Hard to say. I just got this G2 last month after coming from the abysmal battery life of the Gnex.

I keep mine on 4G only, no battery during the day, with brightness at 100% and screen timeout set to 15 minutes.

Currently it says:

Battery Usage = 3 h 22 min
Estimated Time Remaining = 13 h 52 min
Hard to say. I just got this G2 last month after coming from the abysmal battery life of the Gnex.

I keep mine on 4G only, no battery during the day, with brightness at 100% and screen timeout set to 15 minutes.

Currently it says:

Battery Usage = 3 h 22 min
Estimated Time Remaining = 13 h 52 min

Not sure how much screen brightness affects battery, but that may sound about right. I usually get around 21 hours with fairly heavy use and screen set at 23%. I just worry about updates and battery life after the last update i got on my og Razr after which the battery totally went down the crapper.

there is no spoon
Noticeable difference in speed and smoothness. Won't know about battery for awhile. No glaring problems noticed yet. Bottom of screen on this app is cut off, no biggy, but i noticed it.

there is no spoon
My problem with it is there is no root exploit for it yet... Or working recovery... I'll hold tight on CarbonROM for now.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

Oh... BTW, rooting is possible with ioroot25, I was just unaware. Custom recovery is also doable on 24A OTA that leaked a couple weeks ago, so I assume it will be accomplished very soon as well.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I downloaded the update and so far so good no problems. You cant really tell the difference between speed. My g2 was so fast as is. The only way you can tell the difference is if you do some speedtest or something tht tells you how much faster it actually is. I mean I feel the smoothness has definitely been improved plus some others like minor changes with any update. I checked my bloatware after and before the download and didnt notice any different apps on my phone
I'm not familiar with the LG g2 stuff.. But why isn't it just coming via Ota?
Got my kitkat update a moment ago from Verizon. Will post impressions this weekend.
Got my over the air update 2 hours ago. Here comes the complaints about yet another broken update...