Landscape Mode - Not working in certain apps and home screen.


Mar 26, 2010
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My phone won't go into Landscape mode in certain applications and on the screen. When at my main homescreen I can't get the phone to go into landscape. It won't work in contacts either. Anyone having this issue? It works in texting and gmail for example.
Its not an issue. Landscape is not available on the homescreen (without root) and certain apps dont support it either.

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Might be able with the app statusbar+ I haven't had a chance to give it a try

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I agree that's its annoying that the home screen doesn't do landscape

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It does with adw. At least it did on my d1. Pretty much anything you want your phone to do or dislike a stock feature, there is always an app that will do what you want

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Launcher pro does landscape on the home screen on my D2 and DX, that's the only reason I thought it.