LED not working


New Member
Jan 16, 2011
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I have the Motorola Droid. I have looked in the forums for my problem and can't find it anywhere. My issue is : I have handcent sms for my texting since i got my phone and a few days ago i noticed my LED wasnt working. I did a few tests and it doenst work for any of my notifications. I turned my phone on and off, i have uninstalled handcent SMS and still no LED. I have uninstalled any app that i have downloaded recently and still nothing. can any one help me?
Download led color tester by coolbeans in the marketplace to see if the led is still fuctional.

tappin and a talkin
i downloaded the LED color tester... and nothing :( is it possible for the LED to burn out?
Stranger things have happened. Although led's should last a lot longer than the phone they still are subject to failure.

tappin and a talkin
I had this problem too. I ignored it for a while, but when I finally went tinkering in handcents settings I remembered that I had at one point checked the box that says "automatically retrieve messages". So I went back and un checked that box... wouldn't u know it works again!
Im not sure what that setting is for since I believe my messages r pushed to my phone anyways.
I never tried the tester or anything but I thought maybe u should at least look into it. Who knows maybe we've got the same issue???
(Oh btw, I have a droid x)
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mine doesn't work either, I am rooted but still my LEDjust quit one day as well.