Let me tell you about MY Incredible


New Member
Nov 26, 2011
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I've owned my Incredible for over a year. I love it despite it's various flaws, which you're all familiar with I'm sure. This is actually the second one I've had. My first one was replaced through my warranty because the battery started overheating. But since the beginning of my relationship with my Incredible(s), I've experienced the "Low on Space" issue. I made a few adjustments that kept that particular bug at bay, at least for the most part. I set texts to autodelete when the thread reaches 50, I don't keep a lot of pics or music on the phone, and I keep only a few apps. As much as I love this phone, the "low on space" problem has been something I've chosen to be okay with. That is, until the recent Gingerbread update.

I got my recent system update last week, and as you know, it came in two parts. The first part downloaded and installed just fine. It changed my appearance to a more 3D feel, and app transitions were much smoother. There seemed to be a LOT of good changes with the system update, and I was happy. But two days later, the second half of the update tried to install and my "low on space" monster reared it's ugly head, and that is where the problem starts. Even though we all know there is plenty of space on the phone, the phone doesn't know that. The second update didn't install because it said there wasn't enough room. So I cleared even more from my already bare phone and waited. Finally the update arrived again, but still no go. It won't install.

It's obvious, after using the phone for a few days, that some of the features in the second update work hand in hand with features in the first update, because I now have halfway working apps, and missing app function in a few key places. For example, when my phone alerts me daily to my available application updates, I click to go to the market. Before the update, I'd click the notification and would be taken straight to the market to the list of the specific apps that had an update, and I could choose which ones to install or not install. Now when I get that notification, I click it and it just takes me to the market to a list of my apps. I've clicked each one individually, but NONE of them show an update. I don't know which of my apps need an update, I cannot find them anywhere in the market, but every day my phone tells me I have 7 applications that need to be updated. Also, my autocorrect has gone completely haywire. If I physically type abo, autocorrect shows my choices (abo, Avon, about, abort) and typically highlights the word 'about', and I hit space to insert that word. But it picks some other word instead. Every time. I thought it was me just doing something wrong, but I can make it happen on purpose every time. Other words I type don't always highlight the word I need, so I have to click the choice I need right? But after this update, when I click the choice I need (i.e. Friday rather than Fridays), it still inserts whichever word it wants. No matter how close I watch it, I keep sending out crazy messages and emails from my phone because autocorrect is messed up.

I've researched how to check the phone for the current system update, and when I do check this, the phone says I'm running version 4.06.605.3. From what I understand, this is not the current version of the update. However, when I go to check for system updates, it says my phone is up to date. Reading through websites about this, I've read that I should be seeing version 4.08.605.2.

So I took my phone to my local VZ store and I landed THE most incompetent salesman possible. He looked at my phone, told me the "low on space" problem is because I have too much app data, and proceeded to delete everything on my phone while I stood there telling him I'd JUST cleared it all out the night before. He told me I needed to buy an iPhone, and when I said I'm not interested in an iPhone, he got snotty with me and said "well I guess that's your choice, but every Android is going to have this problem, so whatever." I was actually okay with possibly upgrading my phone to the Incredible 2 or the Razr, but he told me, again, that it was a bad idea to spend any money on an Android, and that he would only sell me an iPhone. So I left, and emailed Verizon about the poor customer service I'd gotten.

So this is my story. I don't want to do a master reset on my phone and lose everything. I've done it once before on this phone, and once before on my previous Incredible. Both times fixed it short term, but since the space issue is an internal bug, eventually it comes back. So trading the phone in with my warranty won't do anything either. I'll get another (used) Incredible that will eventually have the same problem. According to the genius at Verizon, I need an iPhone and all their Android phones suck. I did actually ask him why they even sell Droids if they all have problems, but he didn't know that answer. Shocking huh? Without the ability to update my apps and install the second update, my phone is going to just going to become further and further behind, and I can't do anything about it.

Am I the only one experiencing anything like this? Surely I'm not the only one. Thanks for reading such a long post.
Just throwing this out as a bit of info: Back in the day, when I had my Droid 1, we would get the Insufficient Storage error and it could be corrected by deleting the .android.secure file from the sdcard. I have no idea if that will work for you, but it is worth trying. That file is created by the OS and it is supposed to be a list of the apps you have installed. If it isn't there, the OS will simply recreate it.

Good luck.
I've researched how to check the phone for the current system update, and when I do check this, the phone says I'm running version 4.06.605.3. From what I understand, this is not the current version of the update. However, when I go to check for system updates, it says my phone is up to date. Reading through websites about this, I've read that I should be seeing version 4.08.605.2.

Am I the only one experiencing anything like this? Surely I'm not the only one. Thanks for reading such a long post.

You are not the only one experiencing the problem. I was ready to throw m DINC in the lake until I read this post. http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...i-found-solution-forced-4-06-4-08-worked.html. The low space message is preventing you from loading the new update which will correct the low space message bug. I was able to move alot of apps of my phone cleared the data from those remaining and after three tries was able to get the update to 4.08 to install. It has resolved all my problems, my mail syncs now, I can send text messages and the annoying low data space message is gone. Give this a try and good luck!