LG G Watch Notifications


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Current Phone Model
Moto Turbo 2
So I was with my friend last night that has a G Watch and I noticed his MUTE screen looks different then mine. He has options. I only have MUTE on or off.
What's up with that?


Android Wear version? Are you both on the same firmware?

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Beast Mode 4
It looks like his watch has the 5.1 update? I read this morning that the Zen Watch was getting it now and the rest would be soon, but maybe his already has AW 5.1
It looks like his watch has the 5.1 update? I read this morning that the Zen Watch was getting it now and the rest would be soon, but maybe his already has AW 5.1
Edit: or his phone is running Lollipop. I just read an article stating that Google messed up AW notifications with the 5.0 Lollipop update and the picture looked like tour friends watch Mute screen.
The original One which I guess is the M7. Does not have Lollipop yet.
I'm just going to assume its an HTC thing. They must use Priority Notifications in KK, I guess?

Hi Guys! Not exactly the thread I was looking for, but I think y'all can help me -- my question does pertain to LG G notifications, sooooooo...
I just received my gently used LG G today. It's paired with my Droid Maxx. I have everything set up and running, all seems to be okay, but... I'm only getting an occasional text alert on my watch and no email alerts. No one has called me yet, so I don't know what that'll do or not do, but I think I'm missing something in the setup. I'm running the stock Motorola text messenger, Gmail, and my other corporate and personal email accounts. Only two out of about 20 text alerts have hit the watch and no emails.
If I need to be posting this question somewhere else, please let me know and I'll mosey on over and post there.
Was. It Factory Reset when you got it? Like you were the first person to turn it on?
If not, do that and set it up again. Heck, do it anyway.
There's nothing to it especially with you using default apps. It's all or none.

Sent from Turbo II
Congrats on the new watch! New to you at least, that's pretty cool. Welcome to the AW club. I would definitely do a watch FDR like Pere posted, good advice since you have no idea what the previous owner did. Like Pere said, you should either get all or nothing with notifications.

So there are at least 3 of us rocking the original AW watch, very cool!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Silly to ask but are you in Bluetooth range when you get the alerts that aren't coming to the watch?

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4
HA! I knew you guys would come to my rescue! Thank you! I downloaded some wear apps, it appears that was the problem, but I DO want to do a reset just to make sure... I feel really rather silly saying this, but I can't find the reset option in my settings...
I tried a couple of times, then used a little tool to press the button on the back, but the same screen comes up and I don't see reset.