Liberty Theme for SwiftKey


Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score

Thanks to bad4u on the XDA/DX forums for sending me his black theme. I changed everything to black and yellow to match Liberty. Let me know what you guys think.

Because this is a paid app, I cannot post the apk here. In order to get this theme:

1. Get a screenshot of the SwiftKey market page that says that you paid for the full version (either on your phone or web market)
2. Open up Photoshop/Paint/Gimp/whatever and put your name over top of the image like so:

3. Upload that photo to your favorite image host (tinypic, imgur, etc)
4. Send me a PM with a link to your image. (do not post your picture in this thread)
5. Give me a day or two to send you the apk.

Also there is a slight problem w/ installation. For some reason the SwiftKey walkthrough that usually appears doesnt. To get around this, once the app is installed, choose "Done" instead of "Open." Go to your home screen and choose Menu > Settings > Language & Keyboard. From there, scroll down and enable SwiftKey. All other settings can be accessed through the SwiftKey settings in that menu. I am working on fixing this but to be honest I have no idea why it's happening.
yep. if you PM me proof you bought it ill send you a link
i'd rather not post my email address. pretty simple to PM me a link.
If there was a black and blue I would totally buy this app. I am up to $200 on paid apps and counting.
I was actually going to theme my own swiftkey last week, until I realized that there were .9png's, which I'm not comfortable dealing with yet. I'm running the swiftkey beta right now, which I'm sure is not what this apk is. Eventually, I'll get to the .9png's and I will be good to go.
I was actually going to theme my own swiftkey last week, until I realized that there were .9png's, which I'm not comfortable dealing with yet. I'm running the swiftkey beta right now, which I'm sure is not what this apk is. Eventually, I'll get to the .9png's and I will be good to go.

.9's arent bad once you get the hang of it. The most important part is to understand why they exist. You are basically taking a regular png and telling android what region is stretchable and what region is allowed to have a text overlay. There are a lot of quick tutorials out there that are really easy to follow.
the tutorial didnt look that difficult to do, but last night when I loaded the swift key apk into eclipse on my computer at home, a whole slew of error messages decided to pop up, not allowing me to look at the apk or work with it. I was already tired so I decided to just not deal with it, and look at it one weekend when I have nothing to do and my wife is at work.
the tutorial didnt look that difficult to do, but last night when I loaded the swift key apk into eclipse on my computer at home, a whole slew of error messages decided to pop up, not allowing me to look at the apk or work with it. I was already tired so I decided to just not deal with it, and look at it one weekend when I have nothing to do and my wife is at work.

that's interesting. I didnt use eclipse to decompile/compile the apk, I used APK manager (Apk Manager 4.9 - Makes Modifying Ur Apk A Breeze (Windows/Linux) - xda-developers). It could have something to do with the way those scripts are written?
I have apk manager, I can pull Apps and decompile them, but for some reason when I compile them and push them back after signing, they never seem to run. I just gave up on it. I just work ten hour days and don't have the time to learn like I would like to. I've developed my Android hobby since I got this phone, and I'm learning this stuff by trial and error.

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I have a question.....I got Swiftkey from Amazon App Market the other day when it was free.....can I still theme it? Will you still send theme? there anyway to replace the yellow with blue? I really don't mind the black and yellow....but would love the black and blue.
If there was a black and blue I would totally buy this app. I am up to $200 on paid apps and counting.

+1 I already own SwiftKey but I'd love a black and blue keyboard.

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