Lolipop fubar? grrrrr


Active Member
Dec 26, 2011
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Los Angeles
Current Phone Model
Samsung GS5
How does one completely lose three pages of a dozen apps. Just disappeared. Poof. I charged it up to 100% and then turned it off. Up unitl then all was fine and I was just getting acclimated to 5.01 (admittedly not easy to warm up to). So I turned the power back on because I wanted to photo something and, to my surprise, the home page was there and intact as was the page to the right, but all three of the others? Gone. Thank god I just finished a complete backup on kies but, migod, losing three pages??? How does that happen?
Hmm. Just discovered Lolipop decided to move my home page to another page....jeeeeeez. This is getting spooky...Now how do I get it back. There has to be a way to make a current page your home page, no?
Go to the page you want to be your home page. Press and hold on an empty space and it will pop into editing mode. You will be able to move pages around in there.

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Tap the home button icon at the top to select which one you want

Sent from my Note 4
Now I have to figure out how I lost those three pages so I can avoid doing it again.