Looking for ROM Developers to support Droid 3

Once there is a recovery u can go back to unrooted but u can't lock the bootloader back up from what I know, and I just want to thow this out there, if I didn't believe what I saw/know about the D3 I wouldn't be posting it I really believe it is unlockable but like I said u can't go back. If I had no proof I wouldn't say it so take what u want from this if I am wrong I'm sorry to everyone but I don't believe I am.

At this time no SBFs have been made public, there are SBF files to always fix things like the original droid its hard to mess up with a SBF but none are public at this time

So currently there is no way to go back to unrooted if one messes up there D3 with root correct? There is no sbf and it will be hard to force recovery?

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...and I just want to thow this out there, if I didn't believe what I saw/know about the D3 I wouldn't be posting it I really believe it is unlockable but like I said u can't go back. If I had no proof I wouldn't say it so take what u want from this if I am wrong I'm sorry to everyone but I don't believe I am.

We believe you woody, but we droid owners are a fickle sort and we will turn on you like WILD DOGS if you turn out to be wrong!

hehe jk, I'm cautiously optimistic but will be happy with my upgrade even if its locked up tight (for now).
Thanks for the info. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Moto has let us down in the past, but so has Samsung and HTC, lol
I don't specifics on the D1 bootloader, I always thought it was bybassed because it didn't have anything preventing custom OS images, it was rooted and nothing prevented that on the bootloader level like things are now, that's just what I thought not positive though..

Post #60 by hidden101? I agree, well said by him.

just search the page for unlockable or bootloader there is nothing of straight up LOCKED bootloaer, and nothing is ever unlocked from factory.

Wasn't the OG D1 the only phone to ship unlocked?


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Sadly Moto may use that as a stick when it comes to warranty claims. Hopefully they will NOT and see the light that Samsung and HTC have already followed.
i just realized that I need my root before i start using my phone. I have too much data I need to restore to my apps. Mybackup & TiBu requires root to restore data.

When will Moto & Verizon and every other mftr & Carrier beginto realize that these are smartphones & start treating them like one. My Google acct doesnt save the data of my apps, nor does any Mftr/Carrier end provide this type of support.

excited to get my phone tuesday, yet disappointed I wont get to dive rite into it
Forgive me

Im going to show my NEWB status here. So what is the point of the unlocked bootloader in specific is that the file that has to be "rooted" and if it is unlocked what is the damage if it cannot be RElocked???Even if i go back to stock with the SBF(which i know is not out yet) why does it matter if the bootloader STAYS unlocked???
Right now it is locked and signed.

The unlocked bootloader allows NON stock (read AOSP) SBF's to be created and flashed to the phone. These SBF files can already have root and busybox, a la all that is necessary for us to make changes.

The Xoom has the unlock/relock bootloader. I'm not sure exactly how it works.

But if I get the gist of what you are asking, Verizon/Moto seems to have issue with unlocked bootloaders. It seems to be a combination of things, including, but not limited to you being able to root and change to a non stock AOSP ROM, removing bloatware, and the like. The issue with the D3 is that the OS has been patched well enough at this point that no exploits are able to crack root in there. If the bootloader was unlocked, all one would need to do it get a non stock recovery working, and then load an update.zip "root" or just create an SBF with root included.
Sorry, didnt see this thread in here. lol I have already begun working on Steel Droid III. Im currently removing bloatware, optimizing apps, and and adding in my extras from my other releases (at least what I can). This is an awesome phone, and I think it will be a big hit once Clockwork Recovery gets released (soon, too, I hear)