Losing External Speaker


Aug 28, 2011
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I know that there are multiple threads posted about losing the external speaker and pressing slightly on the back of the phone to fix it, but I have a different issue.
I have been losing my speaker for media almost daily for the last few weeks. The problem is fixed by rebooting, but I'm trying to get to the bottom of what's causing the problem.
I use my phone as an MP3 player while at work. I either use Poweramp for MP3s or stream using Slacker. I use headphones for most of the day. When I get home, if I want to watch Netflix or YouTube, I have to reboot my phone. EVERY time. My speaker will not play sounds from any media source. It had been happening infrequently before I went to work in a warehouse and started using headphones, but now it's daily. Using the headphones seems to have exacerbated the problem.
Anybody have any idea what could be causing this issue?
The issue would not be fixed by a reboot if something were keeping the contacts open.
So, still losing my speaker for media. Anybody else have any ideas?
I did check and make sure that there was nothing in the jack, just to rule it out. The jack is clear of any debris, but still not getting sound...
not sure. but have been having same problems. seems like it only happens when showing someone a youtube clip or something. power down/back up and works. i say bug somewhere?????
I would think it has to be a bug. Usually, my issue is with YouTube or Netflix, but I've also had issues with music players and streaming services. Usually when it happens, though, I'm trying to watch something and do a power cycle, so I've never really checked all of my media sources when it occurs.
I had this same problem. I did a factory data reset last week. I have not had any sound outages since then.
Actually ended up having to do an FDR for an entirely separate issue, and, so far, the issue has not returned.