losing root with the OTA update?


Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
So the OTA update is coming and I'm wondering is if we will lose root access? Anyone know??
I think you have to go back to factory to get the update. There are other threads, but I don't have the link sorry.

Got my update to 3.0.1 overnight.
I agree - I don't think you'll loose per se, you just wo t be able to perform the ota. This is how my Incredible acts for OTA's.

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I don't think I have the same device as you, but on the DX you just need to have all the stock system files to get OTA updates and it makes no difference weather you are rooted or not. However every OTA update I have ever received always made me lose root; but with all these one click root methods its really never problem to root it again... I'm happy the days of manually rooting are over. Lol. :)

{{ WugFresh }}
Well I figure I would give it a shot and it worked the OTA.... but lost root :( . I figured I
Could always root again in the future. No roms or kernals are out anyway and I rather have flash!