Lost phone contacts


New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Last night my DROID X was working just fine until i woke this morning and realized all my contacts and numbers were deleted, when i first got the phone i backed up all my data and contacts and when i went to restore my lost data it said that only 15 contacts were backed up out of the couple hundred i orginally had. Can anyone help? Im not sure how this happened and my phone wasnt being used for 9 hours when i was asleep it was on stand by and plugged into my wall charger. Any help would be greatly appreciated.- Thank you.
Did you back-up your contacts via Verizons Back-Up Assistant, or were you syncing your Contacts to your Gmail account?

If only the Verizon BUA, then log in to it via Verizons My Verizon page and see if there is a full back-up present....

If syncing to Gmail as well, just make sure you can still log in to your Gmail account from the phone, and then go to Settings--->Accounts--->Google--->Sync Contacts <---and select Sync and see if your Contacts re-populate...
maybe you can check your sms cards, if any chance you have synced your contacts to that card, if you do you can just layout your contact from that card.