Lots o problems with D1 rooted


New Member
Dec 10, 2010
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So, I did search but cant find any answers specific enough to my problem.

Yesterday I decided to finally root my phone. I rooted it using the SPRecovery and update.zip method using RSDlite. Everything worked fine, until I tried loading a ROM from ROM manager. I used a one of the preloaded roms called Shadowman or something similar.

Well the ROM loaded and then the "first boot- this may take longer than normal" boot screen came up... FOREVER! so I waited and waited and then it did something. it bricked. Completely.

So I went and got a new phone and am trying to root again just for the wifi tethering and such but now I can't boot into recovery mode. When I hold X and power it comes up with the caution symbol and the phone pic. (triangle with !)

I've tried removing all the root apps and things from the SD card and reflashed the SPrecovery numerous times. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I say this to everyone "follow the directions step by step" and you will have 0% issues rooting a d1. no matter what OS came installed on it.

That screen you are seeing is normal for entering the stock recovery. It will not be of any use to you.

you need to flash a custom recovery after you root your device.

Reboot go to market and download rom manager. Flash the clockworkmod recovery it says to flash when prompted (version

Then you can do everything from that app or pull battery / turn device off.

While power is off enter off press and hold X + power buttons until unit powers up. Keep holding until into recovery.

All this info is on these forums please utilize the search feature first. If your issue is not found then post.

Good luck.

Sent from my Droid
Lol @ taking the phone back

Its virtually impossible to brick a D1, good job on wasting your time. If you are using RSDlite then you shoulda just flashed the stock or rooted SBF and you woulda been done. But it sounds like you didn't root the device first so you tried to flash a recovery/rom and the stock bootloader stopped it.

BTW if you just want wifi tether all you need is root, you dont NEED a custom recovery or rom.
So, I did search but cant find any answers specific enough to my problem.

Wow, didn't take long.

Yesterday I decided to finally root my phone. I rooted it using the SPRecovery and update.zip method using RSDlite. Everything worked fine, until I tried loading a ROM from ROM manager. I used a one of the preloaded roms called Shadowman or something similar.

Well the ROM loaded and then the "first boot- this may take longer than normal" boot screen came up... FOREVER! so I waited and waited and then it did something. it bricked. Completely.

Define bricked. The Motorola A855 is _almost_ impossible to brick unless you just don't know what you're dong. And even then you _almost_ have to do it on purpose. Trust me I know from experience.

So I went and got a new phone and am trying to root again<snip>

I am sorry, but at this point whatever problem you are having is Operator Error. You need to do a bit more reading regardless of your search results. I am not trying to pick on you with this post, just to spell out some things for those who come to read later on. As I asked above, define bricked. Oh but wait. You didn't even give us a chance. You just took your phone down to big red and got a replacement and now you are having problems with that one as well. Why? Because IMHO you are being too quick. Slow down grasshopper.

@gonnadie4thegov, I agree.
Ok first of all, I run stupid calls everyday to things that could have been handled by a 4 year old, so I understand there is some entertainment to be had in calling someone out on their ignorance of something you are proficient at.

However the atmosphere has already been set.

So... IMHO my phone was VERY bricked. It was off and would not turn on. I tried my wife's battery, I plugged it in for hours, I took the battery out for a few minutes, I tried going into bootloader, and recovery.... I got nothing. not a beep, not an led, not a little red eyeball, NOTHING.

The way it got there was I tried to install a custom rom from the rom manager's library. Everything went fine until it tried to boot up for the first time, after about an hour of cycling through the boot animation the screen went blank and.... NOTHING.

If I handled the situation incorrectly thank you for pointing that fact out. However my problem still exists. I found out that the replacement phone I received is running FRG83D rather than the FRG22 that I was running. I followed the directions step by step and flashed the recovery using RSDlite, I caught the boot correctly, and I did it multiple times (the only thing searching revealed to me). After flashing the recovery I should be able to go into recovery mode and install the update.zip correct?
Sorry for my offending you.

OK, let's see you're using the guide written here by MotoCache1 right? And the files he provided, right? It sounds like you are. And there's been plenty who have used that guide with FRG83D with success. With that said, when you 'catch the boot' your phone should be booted back into the bootloader screen. If this is not the case, then do the flash again until you catch it in bootloader. Then unplug the phone, power it off and then boot manually into recovery as the instructions there state.

If you still get to the yellow exclamation point in a triangle, there's still something wrong. Also, when you install a new rom, most problems are caused by _not_ doing a data/cache wipe before installing.

good luck