Low volume

Sep 16, 2011
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How do I get my dx speaker louder. It's ridiculously quiet

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
First, is there a way to search specific forums? I tried searching on low volume and volume but I didn't want to get results across the entire forum, just from people in the Nexus section of the forum. I went to Advanced search thinking I'd find the option to choose there but didn't.

So... I'm having trouble with low sound volume. Not so much on calls, but playing You Tube clips are sometimes very difficult to hear, unless it's totally quiet and I am totally focused.

I have Power Amp for playing music, but it has a pre-amp so there's no problem with playing music, and the volume on my phone calls is usually ok, but sometimes; on speaker phone, it's not loud enough. I just called the "no call" number and even on speaker phone to vol was too low.

One other thing, when I was asked to press N the dialpad went blank and I had to sneak up on it. I'm guessing that has something to do with holding the phone to your ear, but why is it blanking when I don't have it to my face?