Made My Own Charging Dock, LOL


Feb 23, 2010
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So I pondered getting an EZEStand or a Mikradle but I'm very impatient sometimes, okay all the time, and decided to jerry rig myself a charging dock. Luckily I had all the materials I needed.

1. Crappy table from Target/Walmart that I've had forever
2. Business Card Holder that my wife had
3. Duck Tape (what project doesn't use duck tape)
4. Double sided tape.
5. A drill

Basically I drilled a hole in my cheap night stand table, put the micro usb charging cable into the hole, secured it with duck tape, aligned the business card holder, secured it with double sided tape, and presto, my own charging dock was born. It doesn't look horrible and the most important part is it's FUNCTIONAL. :icon_ banana:

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I love it.. Fn sweet dude.. i might have to rig something.. thats one thing i loved about the D.. the pimping dock/alarm clock deal.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll drill a hole in the card holder and put it over the charging port to make it look a little cleaner. I had a few :pint: last night so that thought never even occurred to me, LOL. Plus I was in a hurry as the Magic game was on.
I can't believe the Increible doesn't have a dock.

It looks like it gets the job done, but I don't like how the metal covers a bit of the bottom of the screen, it's not much but it bugs me.
I can't believe the Increible doesn't have a dock.

It looks like it gets the job done, but I don't like how the metal covers a bit of the bottom of the screen, it's not much but it bugs me.

Yeah, it makes it hard to reach any buttons on the very bottom of the screen. Tabledok is only in beta right now though. I'll work on that in the next update. dancedroid