Mario'D General

Wow. This is a very clean-cut theme. I'm surprised (pleasantly). The only complaint that could be drawn, are that some icons are quite random to what they're being compared to. Some are excellent, but the randomization is a bit difficult to tell, especially in the dock. Great work so far. Love it.

- Frankie :motdroidhoriz:​
The only complaint that could be drawn, are that some icons are quite random to what they're being compared to. Some are excellent, but the randomization is a bit difficult to tell, especially in the dock.

- Frankie :motdroidhoriz:​

In the dock, you can't see the name of the app below it like in the screen.

My thoughts:

GMAIL = Fire Mario
Music = Mario Breakdancing
Gallery = Mario Characters Filmstrip
MMS = Green [MMS ICON] Yoshi
Places = Bowser Flag
Facebook = Blue Mushroom Face
Twitter = Flying Turtle
Browser = Mario browsing out from rock
Dev Tool and Spare Parts = Wind up thingys...
Settings = Wizard
EMAIL - Pipe with envelope and @
Voice = Ghost, resembled the icon
GTalk = meh, it was white, so it fit (about only random one I put in for icon so far)
Car Launcher = Mario Kart
Genie Widget = Cloud spike thrower thing.

GMAIL Notification = Fireball (from Fire Mario)
USB Debugging - Flower
EMAIL - Pipe with flower
USB - Big Block dude... (only thing close to USB looking)
SMS - Green Yoshi Head
MMS - Red Yoshi Head

The only other "random" thing in, is the voicemail notification. The spiky turtle.

Other than that, I could have had this done in 10 minutes if I just wanted to throw icons on there. It may not seem like I had a care in the wind, but there was a thought process to my madness.
Oh no. Trust me. I'm not questioning your effort, I assure you. It just seemed random on the dock, because I couldn't tell what their icons were. Your layout was excellent. Keep it up. I can't wait to see this done. Sorry for the confusion on my comments.

- Frankie :motdroidhoriz:​
So when can I have this?

Off-Topic: Sorry for this, but just a question. What and where did you get this gauge? I know it sows a comparison of how fast your device is compared to others(?). Thanks if you can tell me.

- Frankie :motdroidhoriz:​
So when can I have this?

Off-Topic: Sorry for this, but just a question. What and where did you get this gauge? I know it sows a comparison of how fast your device is compared to others(?). Thanks if you can tell me.

- Frankie :motdroidhoriz:​

Market... search for Quadrant... I think
THANK YOU. I've been looking for this. I want it. Is it ready yet?
man. you got some serious skills. i am glad i am now on the d1 so i can enjoy ur work. cant wait to see this one.
Yes, me too. Again, each screenshot gets better.
Don't rush this, guy. It is coming along nicely.
Continue to keep it clean, pleasant and consistent!
Do you need a tester? Im in.. running cmr3... great work as always

Since I am running CM3 myself, I could possibly put out a "teaser" theme this evening for people to use.