Master Volume Control


New Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Hello all, new to the forums. I just got a DroidX last weekend, and one thing about it really, really, really bugs me. I really want to be able to set up the volume rocker on the side of the phone to control the master/system volume. I've downloaded apps that will let me change the system volume, but that's not what I'm looking for - I want it slaved to the volume rocker. I find it very annoying that I can't change the global volume without going to a bunch of different menus. Isn't this Jesus phone supposed to save me time??
Well i'm not sure how to do what you are asking, and i'm guessing if you've tried apps, then you've probably tried audio manager? Its a widget where you can control alarm, notification, voice, media, system audio levels. The plus version (costs .99 i think) will let you set profiles that can allow one click to change audio levels so you wouldn't have to go through menus. Just a suggestion. Maybe you've tried all that and still don't like it. If you have, then sorry for my useless post lol.

I don't have a Droid X so I can't help you, but there are plenty in the community who do have an X and everybody here is willing to help ;)