mavrom signal issues

Oct 8, 2011
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I've been romming for about 9 months now, and I really appreciate the work of all the devs involved, but after using stock, liberty, and mavrom heavily, I've come to the conclusion that mavroms signal pulling abilities are worse than liberty and stock.
My room is the worst because I live in a hole halfway underground (not under a rock though) and I can literally stand two steps away from my bed and have two step - one bar...bed, no bars. this was not the case w/ liberty, it was 3, 2, 1 instead of 2, 1, 0 and I'm wondering if maybe we could get some cross dev talk to solve this problem. I'm droppin calls like mad in my bedroom and had to relocate my charge spot just to maintain signal
kinda having the same problem only i have signal but cant send a text, call anything!!! i have 2+ bars everywhere in my house it just wont connect
Weird. I have never had signal issues but I am on wifi a lot at home and work for data. Calls haven't been an issue either. But I have great service strength here in Bend.
I'm running ecliple v3 1.1 overclocked now and I get the same guess is motos phone antanae. I've always seen better signal from samsungs...stratosphere 2...mmmmhmmm