Maxx 4.4.4 bluetooth suddenly stopped playing media audio but does calls fine.

New Member
Aug 2, 2011
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Nashville, TN
I am having an annoying issue with bluetooth (sony MW600) playing media audio on my Droid Maxx stock 4.4.4. I have been using the same set up for over a year.
All of the sudden when I play media audio it just plays on the phone speaker and will not play on the bluetooth no matter what I try. Phone calls work fine on bluetooth as they always have. Phone audio and Media audio are both checked. I have tried another bluetooth device and the problem is the same so I am sure that the phone is to blame. I have also done a wipe memory cache, unpaired and repaired the bluetooth. I usually use beyond pod for must of my media audio, but it is not the problem as the problem seems to be with all media audio, youtube, google music, pandora, iheart.

I have not tried a factory reset, mainly because I am not sure what will happen to all of my apps and current phone settings.

Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Go to settings, under accounts click on Google, then click on your Gmail account and make sure app data is checked.
I'm not having any BT problems on 4.4.4 at all. In fact, it's better, with no audio stuttering that I'd hear sometimes on 4.4. I have multiple BT audio devices - two Kenwood car stereos, a Motorola Stream, a small BT speaker from Brookstone called a Bop, and Jaybird BlueBuds X earbuds.

I'd try backing everything on storage (photos and video) up and do a factory reset, because if you do a warranty replacement you'll be getting a new device that you have to set up again from scratch, so you may as well see if a factory reset helps. I'd definitely suggest a factory reset if you never did one after the 4.4 update last winter.

Excuse me being pedantic, but you can't have been using the same set up for over a year, since the Droid Maxx came out last August 20. So, almost a year, but not more than. I bought my phone at 9 am on launch day, so I've had it almost a year as well.
Have you installed any apps recently that have anything to do with sound? Like a media player, sound maker or anything of that sort? Sometimes apps can high jack a Bluetooth and won't let it go till you remove them.
I had this randomly occur a day or two ago. The only thing I had to do to get it to work again was to disable Bluetooth, then re-enable it. After this, Bluetooth media streaming started working normally again.