Maxx wifi stopped working


Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
I have been having issues with the wifi on my MAXX. When I leave the house and then return it does not reconnect to my network unless I restart the phone. This is the only way to connect to wifi. It often will not even see my wireless network after restarting. It sometimes takes several tries. I know the wifi is fine because I have a new router and my other devices are just fine. If I turn wifi off and back on it does nothing. it will show 'turning on wifi' but that is as far as it will go.
Have you tried starting your phone in Safe Mode? When the phone runs in Safe Mode, most Play Store apps do not load / run. If the problem does not happen then, that helps determine that one of the Play Store apps is causing the issue.

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It does work just fine in safe mode. What is the best way to go about determining the faulty app?
I would say either: 1.). Factory Reset (FDR) or 2.). Open Settings > Apps > Downloaded Apps. Uninstall every app you installed from the Play Store. Then reboot the phone and see how WiFi works. Thrn start installing the apps you need one at a time. See how WiFi works after each install. You may find the one that is causing problems or the problem may never reappear. The main thing is to not reinstall everything at once and end up right back where you are now. Hope that helps out.

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If you're running the app Gas Buddy, try uninstalling it and see if that fixes the problem.

If it does, try reinstalling the app from the Play Store and see if it stays fixed.
Try to see what apps you installed or updated around the time it began to act up and uninstall them and put back 1 a time.

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(I mention gas buddy because it seems to be a common cause of this problem recently on the droid maxx.)
I'm really late to this party, but just solved my WiFi problem and thought I would chime in just in case you were still looking for a solution. Or if anyone else stumbles in here looking for a solution...
My WiFi stopped connecting to anything and rarely recognized any area signals. With the of the fine folks of DF, I was able to locate the app that was causing my headache.
If you're still around and still struggling, start uninstalling one app at a time. Reboot your phone after each install and check your WiFi. I made a list of apps as I went along and noted any changes in the behavior of the phone (if there was any) and finally located the problem. I've begun adding my uninstalled apps back on (slowly -- one at a time) and the phone is working perfectly fine now.
I honestly hope I'm too late in my offering and you're not still struggling with the WiFi debacle.
Thanks once again, @Gudasau! For those who weren't following this, here is a link to the other thread where we were able to troubleshoot and isolate the problem.

Droid Maxx (XT1080) can't keep or find Wifi connections.

Folks, this is what this forum is all about...people helping people with a common cause. We all are fans of Android and although no operating system is ever 100% without problems, and new apps can bring with them new challenges, we are here to work through them and get our phones back to 100% as quickly as possible. We do this because when all is said and done, Android really is a fantastic operating system and it just keeps getting better and better. It's with your help that we keep it going in that direction.


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