Media Cutting Out while Bluetooth Connected and Wifi Hotspot are on


New Member
Nov 19, 2011
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I use a Motorola T505 Bluetooth FM transmitter in my car. When I am playing any media over it (specifically), and I have the stock WiFi Hotspot engaged (also tried it with SVTP WiFi Hotspot - same results), the media will cut in and out every 3 seconds for about 1 to 2 seconds. If I turn off WiFi Hotspot, the media plays fine. If I play it through the phone speaker (with the Bluetooth off) it plays fine.

Let me clarify what media I've tested this with - Pandora, Tunein Radio, Amazon MP3 cloud player, and local MP3 played through the stock player.

I am rooted, but not moded, I have the hack engaged for the stock WiFi Hotspot using this method .

I have a Samsung Droid Charge, and it does not have this issue under the same circumstances.

Just curious if anyone else has had this problem, and how they got around it. I may try another 3rd party WiFi Hotspot (Other then SVTP, something Adhock). Very frustrating "feature". I am running the .902 Android
I'm having the same issue...

Let me know if you found a solution? I'll do the same. Thanks!
It's probably a radio thing. I'm not a networking expert, but under heavy WiFi use you may see degrading bluetooth performance. I've seen this on multiple devices to varying degrees, and there really isn't a fix for it.