Media Dock Problem?


Nov 21, 2009
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Hi, I bought the media dock from verizon a few weeks ago. My droid works perfectly and I haven't had any issues that I've seen posted throughout the forum. I must have got a Droid from a good batch. Anyway, when I place the droid into the media dock it goes into media mode like it should but my touchscreen seems to go haywire. If I touch the music button the weather comes up. If I touch the weather the music comes up. In fact, all the buttons don't open what they should. I've noticed that I can see the button next to the one I'm pushing light up when I pushing the one next to it. It's like the sensitivity of the touch screen gets messed up when in the dock. It's aggravating when trying to pull up the picture slideshow and the weather comes up instead.

Anybody else have this problem? Do you think I got a bad dock? Any ideas? Thanks
Yes, i'm using the cable that came with the dock.
Also, i got the app "dockrunner" which allows you put it in media mode and everything works fine with it so I don't think it is a software issue.
anybody else having problems or is my dock messed up?