Memory immediately used


Dec 23, 2018
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I have a Samsung S8 with 64GB of built in memory running Pie. I've had my phone for two years and am normally struggling to maintain storage space due to having a large number of downloaded apps and unlistened to podcasts. Last night, for the first time, I got a pop up warning about extremely low memory, which I don't think I've seen before, despite my regular low memory availability. I used my normal tricks to clear up some space, and all was good. When I woke up this morning, I had literally 0 memory left. Less than 1MB according to the AppMgr III app I use to manage storage. I thought that was odd considering my cleanse the night before, but I did have a bunch of new podcast downloads, so I deleted a number of them and had about 1.4 GB free. Now, four hours later, I've gotten the same extremely low memory warning and have barely touched my phone all morning; I certainly didn't download anything new. AppMgr III tells me I have nothing in cache, Google Play tells me I haven't updated any apps in more than 10 hours, and I can't find any other sign of where my memory went.

What could possibly be eating up my memory so quickly and without my knowledge? Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated.
It said the same thing. Actually though, not too long after I wrote this post, my available memory jumped back up to 1.3 GB without me doing much of anything. Then, later in the evening, I got another low storage warning (once again, after no downloads), although it was only down to 400MB or so, but that has since gone away too and I'm back up to more than 1GB again.
Do you happen to have the Facebook app installed? My wife had a similar situation years ago, and the Facebook app was "holding" space as used when it really wasn't being used. But the phone saw that several GB of space as "used". We uninstalled the app and GB is space was available instantly.

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Yes, thank you, it definitely was the Facebook app. Over the course of the day, my phone was adding and subtracting about 1 GB of used memory about five or six times, and after further investigation, Facebook was definitely the culprit. It's a pre-installed app on my phone so I can only disable it instead of uninstall it, but it does the trick. I do tend to use that app a lot though and would like to keep the app on my phone. Are there any workarounds that anyone is aware of to prevent the app from using so much memory for temporary purposes?