Merger in its official sense. For the better of our users.....


Premium Member
Premium Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Worcester MA
so as some of you know things here slowed to a crawl, after long hours of editing and testing, i decided to join forces with the Droid Concepts team. Woodyman and I have the same views on froyo roms and the D1. speed, stability, and functionality. Are key ingredients to a successful flash. So for future releases of GimpSource work and my work in general. follow this Droid Concepts for a really nice collaboration and a super solid rom. at the moment i am resetting up 11.04 and focusing on getting the Galaxy S power widget added into build 8. With now having a little more freedom with not having to do all the coding and themeing myself, I can once again add real themeing back into my work and coding roms with help and the experience of the respected Droid Concepts team.

Things will only get better and better. I am confident in still being able to give you guys great roms and customer satisfaction lol I will always still be around for questions on roms and whatnots. come join the party and flash the DC build 7 Succulent Desire 7

Lemme know what you all need and want. here or there.
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First I would like to welcome Davros, along with his strong base of supporters. Rest assured you will get the same experience out of me and Droid Concepts as you do out of Davros and Project Gimp Source. I do not know how many of you have used my work before or dealt with me before, but if you have you know you are in great hands between me and Davros. Droid Concepts if you do not know focuses on user satisfaction, along with stability and functionality. We are not trying to bloat down our ROM with every feature you can think of. We are adding ones that are useful and will benefit the Android community. for more information you can browse the Droid Concepts section, and check out our site, or drop me an email or tweet.!/DroidConcepts

woodyman.dc @
woodyman @
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Happy to be on board. Been testing D's ROMs for a while now.

Happy to be a part of the group, and anything you and D need I'm on it.

And, woodyman, its Davros, not Darvos. :)

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Happy to be on board. Been testing D's ROMs for a while now.

Happy to be a part of the group, and anything you and D need I'm on it.

And, woodyman, its Davros, not Darvos. :)

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

lol I knew that! and I'm glad to have you on board, PM me and I will give you some more personal contact details so we can chat..
im excited for this! love Davros's ROMs .. now i will get a chance to try something new and keep my Droid young! Anxious to see what will come of this!
Congratulations but my big question is....who is Woodyman??
Ah cool! After trolling twitter the other day I saw some Droid Concepts tweets on Davros' page and thought this would happen.

I totally look forward to the new and better and ill run anything you guys put out. (Hopefully its free of that nasty sms bug :S)

Overall I do think this is a good thing. Less burden on individual devs and the ability to help out each other where problems occur. This can only lead to good good things!

Can't wait to flash!

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great to hear that the merger is complete. Can't wait to see what you guys put out there for us that are loyal to the OG.
Congrats on the merger. I think this is gonna be great and will bring awesome rocksolid roms.

I think ill go download and flash a droidconcepts rom and see what we can look forward to.

Long live Gimp

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Just posted this on about the merger in the DC forums so wanted to post here, so everyone has a chance to see it.. :)

Yes a lot of time and effort go into this man, so glad you like it. My idea's and Davros' ideas are about the same, which is why we both decided to come together and work on a ROM, I think its going to produce some great things. Like he mentioned, he does't have to focus on dong everything for the ROM now, and neither do I, which leaves more time to work on adding and improving rather than just fixing issues, and themes, and slowly adding features. So thanks for coming to check it out. We have some great plans.

Also like you said our belief is not to just take CM code and call it ours. We are doing everything built on the Android AOSP code, meaning stock. Our settings app is not just a renamed/packaged CMParts like most ROMs put out. It is a brand new app built from the ground up. We will be adding some of the features CM has introduced but we do not plan to just copy the CMParts App or the CM ROM for that matter.

So take a seat and enjoy the ride man, I think you'll be pleased with everything we do.. :)