Missed call and voicemail widget?


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Is there a widget that displays how many missed calls and voicemails you have? or a built in option that does this? i'm basically looking for something similar to how windows mobile shows it. this was i can tell at a glance if i missed a call and how many and if i have a voicemail because of it.

The only notification i see for either one of those is the small icon in the upper left.

I agree this is needed. What is also needed is a way to set the color on the flashing light (ie. blue missed sms, green voice mail.....ect)

I could always glance at my BB and know if I had messages waiting without having to pick it up.

Another help would be repeating notifications, a vibrate or tone every minute for example.

These are basic functions that Ive had on my past Windows and BB phones.

There must be an app for this. (but I couldnt find one)

If you know of an app to manage notifications this way, especially repeat sounds, please let us know.

call volume

When I first got my Droid X two days ago, I called home 3 times from the car before I could hear anything. I finally cranked up the volume to max, and it still is very very quiet. Now I know that the 20somethings that design these things can hear a pin drop, but I'm of an age where it has to be a nail for me to hear it. I saw a lot of complaints about this before I found this forum, and lots of people seem to think it will be "fixed". I had the same complaint about the Razr, and people hacked the code to make it louder. I was ready to do that, but backed out and just lived with it.

What is the scuttlebutt here?

I suppose I can always put it on speaker and let everyone about me enjoy both ends of my conversations!

Thanks, John
I agree...we need a new voicemail widget that shows missed calls and # of voicemail waiting.
Handscent allows you to change the led notification color...haven't checked email. I am sure there is something because I also used to have a BB and had an app that changed the led colors to what I wanted.

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Use google voice to handle your voicemail, it has a widget to at least show you your messages. The icon on your slide bar shows you that you have a missed call... About the closest I know of atm.

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