MIUI random boots

Yeah I was good to go until this latest release. I applied the Bliss Suave HD and was getting reboots galore. After reading, that theme is causing the reboots for some reason. I rewiped, reinstalled the stock theme and took the SMS theme from bliss only and have not one single reboot. Might be worth a shot, but it worked for me now. I keep going back to UD, but this rom is too sweet to give up on.

I have had reboots on the last 2 builds with a clean wipe. Never thought of themes causing an issue, I have been running Pro Elite HD . Maybe will reflash and try just stock for a day or so . Truthfully, if you don't watch your phone every second could be having reboots without knowing it. I know it took me over a couple of days to catch the first one.
Yeah it sucks cause I loved MIUI and all the features it had but it seemed like atleast three times a day my phone would randomly reboot sometimes in the middle of a text or sometimes right after I unlocked it. Also it happened without a theme and with a theme so I'm not sure what the problem was. Either way it got me back to using bugless I'm loving v.6.2

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what i have noticed on MIUI is how other apps affect it. So far Handcent, Mortplayer, Dolphin HD and a few others seem to lock up MIUI.
Stereo Bluetooth + texting or doing something else random seems to be the easiest way to lock my phone and get the reboot / kernel panic.
Most of my random reboots are a result of a kernel problem, either not high enough voltage, or too high of clockspeed. Sometimes I will have to go through 3 or 4 different kernels before I get one that works just right. Also, sometimes apps for the first time you open them will give the option to force close or wait, click wait and everything works itself out. Sometimes being to anxious for something to happen will cause things to lag and shut down. This may or may not be the same issue, but this is what I've noticed with my Droid.
Most of my random reboots are a result of a kernel problem, either not high enough voltage, or too high of clockspeed. Sometimes I will have to go through 3 or 4 different kernels before I get one that works just right. Also, sometimes apps for the first time you open them will give the option to force close or wait, click wait and everything works itself out. Sometimes being to anxious for something to happen will cause things to lag and shut down. This may or may not be the same issue, but this is what I've noticed with my Droid.

I've had re-booting issues my self. I played w/ kernels and found out kernel not mainly the issue but speed. i clocked my 1.2 slayher kernel to 1.1 ghz max instead of 1.2 problem solved.. also try and see if rom manaager/fix permission helps.
I've had 4 reboots today. What is the stock kernel for 12.31?

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For me I think using Launcher Pro was causing my random reboots(~2 times a day). Just for the heck of it, I switched back to MIUI launcher and its been over 72 hours and no reboot. My reboots would happen at the lock screen. I would go to unlock and it would freeze on the lock screen and reboot. So for anyone using Launcher Pro and getting reboots, try going back to MIUI and see if that helps.
Handcent is my biggest problem too! MIUI doesn't seem to like the popup funtion that it has..and sometimes right. After a text or right when I get one a reboot happens! I see the most when using handcent...and the second most requent problem would be simply unlocking it!

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For me I think using Launcher Pro was causing my random reboots(~2 times a day). Just for the heck of it, I switched back to MIUI launcher and its been over 72 hours and no reboot. My reboots would happen at the lock screen. I would go to unlock and it would freeze on the lock screen and reboot. So for anyone using Launcher Pro and getting reboots, try going back to MIUI and see if that helps.

I don't like the MIUI launcher tho...I use ADW as my home replacement. Don't like that MIUI has all your apps out in the open..need to hide certain ones from certain people! Lol ;)
For me I think using Launcher Pro was causing my random reboots(~2 times a day). Just for the heck of it, I switched back to MIUI launcher and its been over 72 hours and no reboot. My reboots would happen at the lock screen. I would go to unlock and it would freeze on the lock screen and reboot. So for anyone using Launcher Pro and getting reboots, try going back to MIUI and see if that helps.

I don't like the MIUI launcher tho...I use ADW as my home replacement. Don't like that MIUI has all your apps out in the open..need to hide certain ones from certain people! Lol ;)

You know that you can password protect folders in MIUI launcher, right?
You know that you can password protect folders in MIUI launcher, right?

The custom catalog feature that ADW has is what I like to use. And plus I just don't like that style homescreen that MIUI launcher has. There are just too many variables when trying to isolate what's causing this ROM to random reboot...just got tired of it.
im getting crazy reboots also. im also debating on a different rom until the reboot thing is ironed out. sometimes it just comes out of nowhere.

i may try a new rom but then check back over the weekend since they seem to release no versions weekly.