[ROM] MIUI.us-Sholes-2.2.10 [DEV]

I haven't installed this version of MIUI yet, but on 1.12.30 (I think that's the version right before this one), I have no trouble answering calls. It might lag for a couple seconds before the answer screen pops up, but my phone doesn't completely freeze like it did on Liquid and CM7.

But right after I installed MIUI, before I could test for the phone calling bug, metalspring suggested that I unroot my phone and flash to the stock ROM with Motorola's sbf. Then, after I did this, I rooted and flashed MIUI again.

So I don't know if the bug was fixed when I installed MIUI or when I unrooted my phone. I'd say that if you're going to install a new ROM, you might as well try running the sbf (if you have Windows, that is; I don't know how to do it on Linux or Mac).

It is possible on Linux but it is all done with the command line, even if you don't have windows just find someone who does and steal their computer for a few minutes lol
why are there no more updates? please we need more updates for miui for motorola droid 1.