

Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
JRummy...have you seen this interface yet? Supposedly Cyanogen is in talks with them.

It looks pretty cool, minus the iphone feel.

Have you had a chance to play with it at all?
Just downloaded it

I was going to play with it, but it has some nice UI to it. I like the widget add screen, very similar to ADW edit tab.
Kinda curious to play with it but, no app drawer is a deal breaker for me as far as using it all the time.
But you can

Kinda curious to play with it but, no app drawer is a deal breaker for me as far as using it all the time.

Have like 50 screens which is like your app drawer. I played with it for a couple of hours and must say I'm impressed. They based it off of Cyanogen and made some cool UI tweeks. Plus one of the lockscreen pictures was the autobot symbol so automatic like for me.
I did load it up. Some interesting and neat features. If it's not open source though can't do too much with it. Is it open source?
Only thing I would like to see get ported from this rom is the notification bar. Everything else is too I*hone for me. I did not install this and have no plans, just saw the video posted from droid-life.
I hope its open sourced, jrummy needs to jump on this and give it that pizzazz!
im enjoying this rom been working good since last night. I like no app drawer i have widgets all the way to the left home screen then apps to the right ;)
If so, has anyone been able to just port the dialer or notification drop down bar to a regular nodded froyo rom? If so, then IMO your right.