Mobile data keeps turning off!

Glad so many people are doing well after the update but my phone's data connection switches off more now than it did before.
Had the same problem after the latest update 2.11.65...

Tried turning off my TB... Took battery out, SIM out. I waited like a minute, powered it on and haven't had problem ever since... Hope this will help...
I haven't had this problem until today. My phone will say it is connected to 3G but when I open my stock HTC web browser... it just stall and says I need to connect to Wifi or turn on Mobile Data. It IS turned off. I'll have to reboot the whole phone or toggle the Airplane mode and it will work. Very frustrating... love the IDEA of the Thunderbolt... the actual product has been a bit frustrating!
So mine is finally right. I switched my kernel to the new one sight put out Saturday. Ever since 4G is perfect.
I am waiting on my third replacement phone. My original was having the lost data issue. The first replacement had no data issue problems but quit working all together. The second replacement has data issues. We tried a brand new phone in the store with my sim and number and it works fine. So it seems to be a phone issue not a software issue. This is my first HTC and pretty sure it is going to be my last. Way to many issues.
Same thing here on a 3 day old Tbolt referb.
Probably because the refurb you have was from someone complaining of the same issue, which they just cleaned up, wiped the OS, and sold to you.
I had similar problem. One day I could send pics and the next I couldn't. Ended up being My APN Type Was wrong. I could text but no mms till I figured it out. Witch was tuff cuz my note 4 is on straight talk and CS isn't the greatest. So make sure all your access point settings are correct