[MOD][3-9-2011]Speed up media scanner


Silver Member
Feb 3, 2010
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All credit goes to Adrynalyn over at XDA for this mod....

Orig link: [MOD][3-9-2011]Speed up media scanner - xda-developers

[MOD][3-9-2011]Speed up media scanner
I really hate the Samsung media scanner.

Hate isn't even a strong enough word. If you have ever noticed, it scans the READ ONLY system on every boot. Then it scans SD card. Scanning the system is where the phone gets most sluggish though.

Well, I tried my best to hack that feature out and still haven't been able to.

I did find a workaround though:

D/MediaScanner( 2798): prescan return
D/MediaScanner( 2798): Start Original /system/media/
D/MediaScanner( 2798): found .nomedia, skipping directory


It skips system and immediately moves to sd card.

Making your phone completely responsive, and halving the scan time.
Its a dirty way of fixing it, but hey, it works.

or try...


fast_media --disables media scanning of system
default_media --enables media scanning of system.

Flash zip in recovery then in Terminal Emulator run script
If you like what I do buy me a brew. <~~~~DONATE to Adrynalyn :)
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When finding no media, does it fail to show files?

sc 2.9v
midnight theme
Ill five that one a shot in the morning.

sc 2.9v
midnight theme
why dont nobody talk about CPU and battery eating service DownloadManager?

i also am used to engage whit DOWNLOADMANAGER service running in background taking pretty cpu and battery on both my phones this happens on boot or right after managing files(rename, cut, paste & etc...)it keeps running for even hours till phone gets warm!

whats the relationship between file managing and DOWNLOADMANAGER while being offline ?what does trigger it and what is this sopposed to trigger?does it help or run the media scanning ?

my phones both rooted:Xperia mini GB and Xperia go JB
my cpu monitoring app is usage-timeline
excuse my bad English
Nobody to Answer?!?!