Motorola and Lenovo are Officially Hitched


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

The "marriage" between Motorola and Lenovo is finally a done deal. The two companies completed all the steps necessary to officially merge the two companies (with Motorola being acquired by Lenovo). Motorola has been working independently since the announcement of the acquisition was made. It seems probable that Lenovo will continue to let Motorola run its own side of things for the most part, although we doubt it will operate completely autonomously.

It will be interesting to see what Lenovo can do with Motorola. They are famous for taking other brands and turning them into a success, like the ThinkPad and IdeaPad line in the past. It's likely that Lenovo will begin selling Motorola smartphones and tablets in China under their own well established name, even while they continue to sell Motorola branded products elsewhere in the world. Here's a quote with more of the details,

“Today we achieved a historic milestone for Lenovo and for Motorola - and together we are ready to compete, grow and win in the global smartphone market. By building a strong number three and a credible challenger to the top two in smartphones, we will give the market something it has needed: choice, competition and a new spark of innovation,” said Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO, Lenovo. “This partnership has always been a perfect fit. Lenovo has a clear strategy, great global scale, and proven operational excellence. Motorola brings a strong presence in the U.S. and other mature markets, great carrier relationships, an iconic brand, a strong IP portfolio and an incredibly talented team. This is a winning combination.”

Here at DF HQ we tend to agree. This seems like a great team-up and we look forward to seeing what happens next.

Source: Business Wire
Here's a statement directly from Motorola,

As excited as we are about what’s changing, we’re also pleased with what we are carrying forward with us. We will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Lenovo and remain headquartered in Chicago’s Merchandise Mart while maintaining offices around the world, including in Silicon Valley. The iconic Motorola brand will continue, as will the Moto and DROID franchises that have propelled our growth over the past year. We will continue to focus on pure Android and fast upgrades, and remain committed to developing technology to solve real consumer problems. And we will continue to develop mobile devices that bring people unprecedented choice, value and quality.