Motorola Droid Case Cover Flimsy Top Front Face Piece Portion


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
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I am writing to start a discussion based on personal experiences with Motorola Droid phone covers (aka cases or plates). I want to focus on only one selection criteria:

HOW RELIABLE IS THE TOP CASE (COVER) (also called Facepiece or Face Piece, or Faceplate or Face Plate) component of the case?

I have been through two cases. One was the Body Glove, and the other was a cheap piece of plastic made in China. With both covers, I had the same problem: after a period of use, the top cover component of the case became flimsy and would no longer adhere to the phone. Believe it or not, the body Glove wore out before the cheap piece of plastic that was made in China.

If you are familiar with the experience of dealing with a flimsy top case cover, then you know how frustrating it is when you have to adjust it constantly to get it to stay on.

I would like to either focus this thread on sharing updates and information about sturdy (or flimsy) TOP (SCREEN) CASE COVERS that have withstood the test of time without becoming flimsy and difficult to clip onto the top sliding component of the Motorola Droid. Any help or advice in this area is greatly appreciated. My two cents is: The TOP COMPONENT of the Body Glove case wears out very fast, and I would not recommend the Body Glove as a case to buy based solely on the selection criteria I defined above, regarding the top case component.
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My Seidio top started doing the same thing - can't keep the top on. Have been using it without (at least the screen protector stays on) but am definitely not happy.

I'd almost rather just have a case that didn't slide easily than this. Still don't know what I'm going to do since it looks like all the cases are having issues (my phone and case were bought in May).
Well, I caved in and decided to purchase a whole new case (cover). This will be my third case for the Motorola Droid. My new case is made by Otter Box. I have only owned the case for two weeks now, so I am not yet ready to form an opinion on the durability of the top portion of the cover (case) (the ability of the top portion of the phone case to not become flimsy).

However, I will mention that the case itself appears to fit my Moto Droid just fine so far. I will keep you posted.
My Seidio top started doing the same thing - can't keep the top on. Have been using it without (at least the screen protector stays on) but am definitely not happy.

I'd almost rather just have a case that didn't slide easily than this. Still don't know what I'm going to do since it looks like all the cases are having issues (my phone and case were bought in May).

It is nice to hear that someone else is having a similar problem, albeit with a different product manufacturer. I tried the Body Glove, and the top portion wore out on me. I hear that the Seidio top portion becomes flimsy also. I am giving the Otter Box a try. I will try to remember to be very loud about the results.
I have the slide case and belt clip from Verizon so far so good have used it on and off for a while holds up pretty well when I'm at work as well. Stays on my work belt pretty well can't complain about it. I just wish there was a cover that would wrap around the entire phone I never use my key board so something that would cover that would be great.

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I've gone through two cases already, and both times I had to replace the case because the face plate broke off. I managed to take a face plate from a case I do not use (that actually seems to be more sturdy), but that's not the point. It shouldn't be breaking so easily in the first place.

I'm not looking to find new case... in blue. I'm very color picky. :p
My piece of plastic from China has suited me fine. I am convinced it's only good for scratches, not for shock absorption or substantial protection in the case of a drop (which I did after just two weeks with the phone) on a hard floor. Mine has survived the fall, and the case did, too. It only pops off when I want it to.