Motorola MB865 (ICS) has problems with keyboard when charging via USB


New Member
Dec 20, 2012
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I have an Atrix2 Motorola MB865 running ICS ios. When I have the phone charging via USB cable (plugged into PC w/short usb cable or plugged into wall on 6' usb cable), the keyboard and touchscreen have issues. This behavior occurred on the previous version running on the Android.

1. when typing in characters using the pop-up keyboard, a single key press will yield multiple/random characters. Even using the backspace to remove the extraneous characters causes more random characters in addition to removing characters typed).

2. When touching the screen to activate an icon, another icon/app is activated.

If everything is done VERY slowly and carefully (doesn't always work), then the correct icon/app runs or a single character is correctly created. Most of the time, on a single key press, I get multiple/random characters shooting across the input box.

I have searched for this behavior on google, in forums, etc. without finding anyone else describing the same problem.

Any answers/suggestions on correcting the issue?

Current Version Information
System Version: 67.21.125.MB865.ATT.en.US
Android Version: 4.0.4 (IceCream Sandwich)
Firmware config version: GAS_NA_EDSNICSATT_P006
Webtop version: wt-3.0.0
Kernel Version: 3.0.8-g41e08bd
Build number: 6.7.2-226-EDICS-10
Build Date: Fri Aug 31 18:50:08 CDT 2012
Those kind of issues are generally related to either the charger being used or the usb cable. Some phones do not like the use of non-stock items. They may charge fine, but exhibit the kind of problems you are having.

Good luck
That could easily by the issue

Thanks for the reply.
The 6' usb cable is to a third party wall charger
Even though the shorter USB cable is the original Motorola cable, it is inserted into a USB hub.
I will try a direct connection to the PC USB port tonight and see what happens.