MS Excel Paste Function on Note 3


New Member
Dec 20, 2013
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Hi All,

I am planning to buy a Note 3. Before I do, I need to know how text from the internet pastes to MS Excel on a Note 3.

Can I ask Note 3 with MS Excel users to do the below quick experiment.

1. Go into this link.
Stock Screener - Quotes ta_unusualvolume option o10

2. Copy the list of data on the second half of the page. (ie. the bit beneath “View, Change Only , Full with Relative Volume”)

3. Paste the data to MS Excel hitting Right Click, Paste Special and Text.

4. Please repeat this process to include use of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox (if you already have them downloaded).

5. Post a reply with a Print Screen of the result, for each different internet browser. Alternatively, can you inform me if the data results in one excel column being occupied or more than one (five) excel columns being occupied. (ie on the horizontal axis, is one column highlighted or are more than one (five) highlighted?).

All assistance will be greatly appreciated. (Please feel free to post your result no matter how many previous responses there are).

Thanks In Advance for all Responses.