Music app starts automatically


Nov 29, 2009
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I find that every now and then the music app will start automatically when I plug headphones in. I don't use the music app all that often, usually I put the headphones in to listen to Pandora or watch something, so it's annoying to have to switch over and pause the music player.

Anybody have a fix for this?

I started having the exact same problem today p six months after I got my droid Incredible. What gives? I was using A Online Radio and the Music player kept on starting up. Plus the audio phone dialer activated itself!
Some music players have that function setup in their preferences, it sounds like a great idea at first but its extremely annoying if you have multiple multimedia apps (slacker, youtube, noisy games, etc...).
stock music app starts playing music sometimes when Im watching youtube videos.
Droid 4 - Pandora automatically starts

I just bought a Motorola Droid 4 a few days ago and Pandora starts automatically as well. I am fearful that it will start up while I am in a meeting so I would like to resolve it soon. Does anyone have any ideas?

I have not setup smart actions or anything else which would explain this.

A bit more info:
- I had a Motorola Droid before and when I setup my Droid 4, I restored my information from Google Backup.
- I installed Pandora from the market shortly after I setup the phone.
- I installed Remoter Central and Media Keys to support the Remoter micro app on my WiMM One watch.

My thought is that somehow this phone may be compromised and have a security issue. I plan to do some investigating to see if that is the case, but I would like to find out if anyone else knows anything about this.
My thought is that somehow this phone may be compromised and have a security issue. I plan to do some investigating to see if that is the case, but I would like to find out if anyone else knows anything about this.

I just installed NAV and did a scan but it found nothing so who knows perhaps it is not malware. If it is malware, NAV was not able to detect it.

I would just uninstall Pandora however by the other posts in this thread it may not do me any good. At least Pandora would not play automatically but some other audio application may.
I hope I found an answer from another post from solvent211 at

This thread is a little old, but posting the following in case it helps someone else... I too was annoyed that the music started auto-playing seemingly at random to speakers connected to my computer which was paired to my Droid via BlueTooth. A few times this would result in a BSOD on the vista pc due to the poor sys driver but that is another story... Anyway, try the following which worked for me...

On your Droid, go to Settings | Wireless & Networks | Bluetooth Settings. In the bluetooth devices section long press on your bluetooth device and select Options when it pops up. Under profiles, clear the check mark next to the Media option.