music disappearing from music app on GummyNex

I reformatted the SD card in fat32 on my PC, then removed it from my PC and formatted it on the phone, which also uses fat32... that did not solve the issue

Yeah I didn't think it would but I figured it was at least worth a shot
OK so I sbf'd and went back to gummy 1.2 and OK so the issue is still there... 1 of the 2 problems is after every restart of the phone, it does a WHOLE NEW MEDIA SCAN! I am fairly positive all prior roms to the 2 ICS roms I have used never did this and if it did, it was super fast, these scans go from 20 minutes to 4 hours

that is the biggest and foremost issue... I did find a way to take care of it, which is to use rescan media root to disable the scanner on boot up, and do a manual scan and then well that info does stay, my music stays, but if I try adding something new without doing a rescan again my phone just freaks out, things start crashing, etc... and it is a mess... and I add (or wish to add) things to often to be using this method (change my podcasts out daily)

IDK if my music will RANDOMLY disappear now, However I do know anytime I restart my music will not be available to me for 20 minutes upwards of 4 hours and that is also just unacceptable!

checked for errors on my SD card, reformatted it with the phone, did read speed tests on it... everything came out perfect

IDK why it is doing this!

perhaps I am just being stubborn now b/c I wish to use this rom so badly, but I really should go back to liberty3 2.0

not getting a new phone till mid to late July so this just really, really sucks!

there is no reason why I should be running into this stupid issue!!!

why does it rescan my media every single frickin' time?

it just should monitor my media for changes and update the database as necessary, not start over fresh each time

just in shock no-one else is posting about this... I have done everything I can do and I am still having this issue
hate to speak too early again for the like the 5th time... but since removing Google+ and the 2 hangout mp4 files... this issue has seemed to be gone... 4 phone restarts so far and music is there INSTANTLY! also playlists not disappearing

the real test left to verify it is fixed is put it in my car dock, as it was working awhile back, put it in my car dock and everything disappeared

I will let you know if it is truly fixed in a day or so
well it hasn't been 24 hours yet, but almost 20 hours now and I have restarted the phone many times, docked it in the car dock and everything and my music or playlists have not disappeared once... I feel as if I could and should be declaring it fixed

I can not F-N believe this was all due to Google+... are you kidding me!?! argggg!

since removing the app and that folder w/ those 2 sound files I have not had any issues

Gummy uses a lot of code from Cyanogenmod and well that is what the issue is... that code + Google+ which I probably did not even have when running Liberty3 2.0 and if I did it may not have been an issue

but yea 20 hours now without an issue and I did everything I would normally do throughout a normal day

I think it is fixed

of course I will post if it not, but I think it is

still find it odd no-one else had this issue, granted not many people on Google+... but still
still working great!

OH how I wish I found that article much earlier... everything I did to my phone to try and fix it was completely unnecessary

just needed to remove Google+ and delete that folder w/ those 2 files

Yeah that's what happens when a pretty much unknown issue happens and you kind of become a guinea pig looking for solutions. Thanks for being persistent in finding a fix, you've probably helped out other people with the same problem. I ran ics roms for quite some time with google + and i also have that hangout file but that didn't cause me any problems so go figure. Must be a rare hit and miss issue for whatever reason. Im glad you solved the mystery.

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thanks man... yea still working flawlessly... was 100% Google+ & those files... strange it wasn't happening for everyone, but that is how it goes with technology I suppose

Yeah that's what happens when a pretty much unknown issue happens and you kind of become a guinea pig looking for solutions. Thanks for being persistent in finding a fix, you've probably helped out other people with the same problem. I ran ics roms for quite some time with google + and i also have that hangout file but that didn't cause me any problems so go figure. Must be a rare hit and miss issue for whatever reason. Im glad you solved the mystery.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
I did have the same issue, but after installing sd found my music and pics...just dont understand what caused this problem. I too had tried switching roms a few times but music and photos saved on sd card never popped up untill now...So Instead of deleting any files I would suggest SDrescan