My Droid doesn't upload songs in order :(


New Member
Apr 30, 2010
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I followed all the instructions to a "T". I was able upload all the songs I have on my computer onto my Droid..yay! However, I'm a big fan of listening to operas and musicals. Which means, the songs I download HAVE to download in order. Both operas and musicals tell a story within the song order. I checked to see if maybe the songs didn't upload into Windows Media Player correctly, but they are in order. Everything on my computer is perfectly fine. I went so far as to change the artists of the particular score to the name of the album trying to ensure the integrity of the song order would remain. It still will not sync to the Droid in order. What can I do to fix this problem?
You need to make sure the ID3 tags of the mp3s are in order.

Go to

Mp3tag - the universal Tag Editor (ID3v2, MP4, OGG, FLAC, ...)

and download the program. If you drag a folder into the program and go to "Tag Soruces" (i use either the opendb or it should find the album and auto-tag all the files, if it finds the album.

If you can't auto-tag then the program has an easy interface for manually filling in the information.

Lemme know if that doesn't make sense. :)

(there's also some good apps for tagging mp3s for Droid, I think I have mp3tagger pro on mine)
I think the phone was just shocked at what it was playing :D.

LOL. If that shocks the Droid then my playlists must summon its anti-matter counterpart into this world to completely obliterate it from existence.

This morning I had Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture playing when i left my house, followed by Four Year Strong, followed by Louis Armstrong, and I played the Geto Boys' Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta before heading in to the office. ;-p

When i do a full shuffle it REALLY goes nuts and confuses whoever's in the car with me.
"Upload order" doesn't matter. Either your tags aren't correct or your playlist isn't set up properly.
I think the phone was just shocked at what it was playing :D.

I would think Evil Dead the musical would have caused it to be possessed by a candarian demon, but my hands are still in my control. Therefore, I don't think the Necrenomicon had anything to interfere

"Upload order" doesn't matter. Either your tags aren't correct or your playlist isn't set up properly.

My playlists and tags are are only screws up with music that I uploaded from a CD. The torrent downloads are perfectly in order. As a computer illiterate moron, I would like to believe when the CDs were uploaded everything would be fine and the torrent downloads would have been messed up.
I think the phone was just shocked at what it was playing :D.

LOL. If that shocks the Droid then my playlists must summon its anti-matter counterpart into this world to completely obliterate it from existence.

This morning I had Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture playing when i left my house, followed by Four Year Strong, followed by Louis Armstrong, and I played the Geto Boys' Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta before heading in to the office. ;-p

When i do a full shuffle it REALLY goes nuts and confuses whoever's in the car with me.

Well at least it went in musical chronological, jazz, and then rap...but i have to ask where's the psychedelic rock? It was missing in your
What's actually happening is that it's taking certain CDs (mind you, some of the CDs I've uploaded remain in order) and puts the songs in alphebetical order
That's odd. I don't know how the Droid determines what order to list things as. I imagine if there's no track # in the id3 tags, or there's duplicates, it would just resort to the good `ole alphabet.
That's odd. I don't know how the Droid determines what order to list things as. I imagine if there's no track # in the id3 tags, or there's duplicates, it would just resort to the good `ole alphabet.

There are def track far as id3 tags, well, in one of previous comments, I am a computer illiterate moron so I'm not sure what those are or how to fix it in WMP.
I'm assuming here you don't know what ID3 tags are then. They're bits of information stored in every .mp3 that contain artist, album, track, etc... information. THIS is what most media players (including the Droid) use to organize music. Your Droid only looks at file names if there are no id3 tags. So even if you name the files properly your Droid might get confused if the tags are wrong.

If you download mp3tag from here (it's free and easy to use). Here's step by step for you - or anyone else - that might find it useful.

Mp3tag - Download

  • Install mp3tag and run it
  • Open an explorer window and drag the folder with an album you want to view into the program's window
  • Click on a track, on the left you'll see information like Artist, Album, Track #, Song, etc... This is all the information in that file's id3 tags.
  • At this point you can manually edit each track's tags. OR you can try to tag things automatically.there's a few ways to do this...
  • Select all of the tracks in the mp3tag window, click "Tag Sources" up top, and select Input the album name if you have to and then click Next. This is the easiest method and works for most albums.
  • OR if the files are named appropriately, you can select all the tracks, click "Convert", and click "Filename - Tag". you'll see something like "%artist% - %album% - %track% - %title%". This is the template the tags follow based on your file name. So just make sure those align with how the tracks are named and it'll populate the id3 tags based on that.

Hope that helps enough.
I'm assuming here you don't know what ID3 tags are then. They're bits of information stored in every .mp3 that contain artist, album, track, etc... information. THIS is what most media players (including the Droid) use to organize music. Your Droid only looks at file names if there are no id3 tags. So even if you name the files properly your Droid might get confused if the tags are wrong.

If you download mp3tag from here (it's free and easy to use). Here's step by step for you - or anyone else - that might find it useful.

Mp3tag - Download

  • Install mp3tag and run it
  • Open an explorer window and drag the folder with an album you want to view into the program's window
  • Click on a track, on the left you'll see information like Artist, Album, Track #, Song, etc... This is all the information in that file's id3 tags.
  • At this point you can manually edit each track's tags. OR you can try to tag things automatically.there's a few ways to do this...
  • Select all of the tracks in the mp3tag window, click "Tag Sources" up top, and select Input the album name if you have to and then click Next. This is the easiest method and works for most albums.
  • OR if the files are named appropriately, you can select all the tracks, click "Convert", and click "Filename - Tag". you'll see something like "%artist% - %album% - %track% - %title%". This is the template the tags follow based on your file name. So just make sure those align with how the tracks are named and it'll populate the id3 tags based on that.
Hope that helps enough.

Thanks for the help...I'll do my best not to F&%$ it up...if anything, my husband is computer genius (well, almost anyone would be compared to