My name is beth and I 2 am a droidaholic


New Member
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
I have never ever had a smart phone before. My mom and sister are to thank I am addicted. I also am not very computer literate so I am learning a ton.

You guys are great here for explaining everything a great big THANK YOU to all.

Off to start asking questions
:welcome: to the Forum and thanks for the Intro

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welcome to the forum!! you will find as much info as you want, and way more, for using your new addiction - we are all droidaholics here, so you are in good company. ;)

in addition to the Droid Discussions section (for all things Droid), there is an entire section, with several subforums, devoted solely to the Droid 2. browse around, post around, and join in the fun!! :)
Welcome to the forums beth. The addiction only gets worse from here, you see we're what you would call "enablers." Enjoy your stay.

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